Running with Purpose: Fargo Marathon 2012

Specially built marathon cart
Many people get involved in running events in order to raise awareness of an issue. The Fargo Marathon is no stranger to those runners. I recall many who ran for individuals who have died from or are suffering from cancer. I remember a man who ran the marathon with an American flag a number of years ago. Then there was the guy who ran pushing his son in a specially built cart. A few years ago the race director and few others ran the entire marathon route after it was closed as a tribute to 5 year old Caroline Ruby Vetter, who had diedearlier that spring from the affects of Leukodystro​phy and Lennox-Gast​aut Syndrome. In fact a whole mile of the race course was dedicated to her that year. It featured lots of yellow ducks.

I mentioned the college barefoot runners for Samaritan's Feet in the last marathon post. They have a Tumblr site. I was running last week and encountered a young lady running barefoot- but I do not think she was part of this goup.
Another set of runners will be helping to bring awareness of human trafficking. The NDSU Spectrum ran a feature about 2 of them.
The Marathon itself does a considerable amount of charitible work with the monies raced from all the events through GoFarCharity.


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