A DJ bias?

Although this article I found probably makes a good case for better wages for DJs and even details everything a decent DJ should do, he's definitely biased. "If you're a rookie then don't bother," should have straight out been stated. Perhaps he fears the rivalry of these MP3Js barging in on his turf and undercutting his prices.
"I've got a brilliant strategy," he thinks, "I'll write an article which will smugly undercut rookies and make it look like I am bashing do-it-yourself DJing."
He probaly smirks everytime he looks at the website stats for that page. And thanks to me they will probably increase steadily making him think he has once and for all quashed the upstart. But alas it is to chorkle at his bullmoose pride. Methinks the chorkle will be heard round the world.


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