What Sucks- Spring Blizzards

I knew about it the night before but for some reason I assumed it would only be 3 inches and some wind. Therefore I removed my studded snow tire the night before thinking that I would hit more pavement than snow pack. I was wrong. Crazy wrong.
I looked out the window in the morning and saw no snow. I must have imagined I saw no snow because when I leave the apartment there is a good 4 inch cover of snow and no plowing has been done.
I battle my way to work falling once but almost falling again numerous occasions. I regret removing the snow tire. I have hardly any traction. I try not to turn green and take out my rage on the city, who has lifted not a finger to remove snow in the streets much less any sidewalks. (At the time of the writing of this I have yet to notice a plow beyond the private contractors.)
So it's April and spring has been with us for about 2 weeks. Blizzards like this should only happen in March not April. However, I have no hard facts as to the probability of snow in April. I assume we can get a little. But a blizzard! I only remember 1 other spring blizzard and it was nearly 10 years ago when I resided in Mo-Town.
As for me, I'll be taking another long trip home as the icy wind blows into me. Yes, it sucks, but I'll sleep in the bed I made. :(


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