Could I get a buttload of.....

I am about to dissect the strange and bizarre term- buttload. A friend of mine used this term quite frequently until her significant other convinced her to give it up (for lent?). Much thanks, however, goes out to James the researcher on this topic at the Royce Files. James has been indispensible with wit, wisdom, and a wealth of knowledge. He is certainly giving Phil a run for pith and particular prattle that pricks my interest.
Now you might think I am going to pontificate on the gross product elminated from the posterior. Well, that's a load of crap! Quite surprisingly a buttload has nothing to do with elimination or the buttocks. A buttload is an actual quantifiable measure of volume, albeit rather archaic. So just how much is in a buttload?
After much research, James came across the answer to this: a butt apparently is a close-bodied cart. A butt-load is about six seams. A seam is a traditional unit of volume. A seam of grain was 8 bushels: this would be equivalent to 281.91 liters based on the older U.S bushel. This translates to approximately 444 gallons per buttload.
So quanitatively a buttload is a lot of stuff.
James and I surmised that perhaps a buttload of beer would be drunk in bars in the entire Go region in one weekend.
So buttload term users now you have can be smart when you say "buttload."


Anonymous said…
Mr. Royce,

So does the term butt come from a phrase once used to tell an individual to get to work??
"Get off your buttload and get to work."
Possibly it was abbreviated to "get off you butt." Thus came the term for your posterior.


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