A bike ride and a very good burger

Experienced the 2nd Streets Alive (http://www.fmstreetsalive.org/) event this weekend. I rode the entire route with my friend. I wasn't sure what to expect for an event of this type. However, I was surprised. The only drawback was the few kids who got in the way on Broadway otherwise Streets Alive was like a leisurely tour around the community.
Afterward, Cindy, my roommate, and I made the most delicious hamburgers I have ever made. They were the most delicious morsels we had ever had. The memory of them lingers on as does the roasted corn on the cob, guacamole, and beer.
So far on the blog, I am right in the beginning stages of detailing my annual bike trek. I just left off as I went to sleep in a park in Walhalla, ND. A real street party had been going on with a live band and it made trying to sleep a little harder. The next morning we would hit a remarkable natural feature that would prove challenging. But I'll leave that for the actual post about the trip.
However, if you want to read about bike trips, like one's across the United States, check out http://www.bikeacrosstheus.blogspot.com. My friend, Julie, actually caught up with the author while on her mountain hiking adventure in Colorado. She is actually alluded to in the blog ever so slightly. From what I've read I am hooked. 


Cindy said…
Nothing like a little Worcestershire sauce...
Man, I made the blog two posts in a row! My head is swelling. Somewhere right now Jamie Z is shaking her head and sighing: "celebrity fever..."

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