This blog post will leave you...shook



Has a brand of frozen pizza really shaken you? Look for yourself and be shaken err shook. Pizza to be shaken by

To cut to the chase, the top 2 pizzas this article ranked were Red Baron and Tombstone. Not really brands that I would think would stand out in their collection of 17 frozen pizzas. Certainly nothing that would leave me in that state of shook. But hey, it's pizza! I'd eat it even if it did not shake me to the core. Except maybe Totino's. That pizza is awful.

Lileks would have a heyday with this one and how frequently they throw around the pie term to refer to the product. Seems a bit pretentious, too. 

The reason I bring this up is there seems to be a trend in some of these click baity articles to make their discoveries appear to be earth shaking with headlines that include shook. 

But, it makes us click. And then we find inflation also has infected the Internet as a lot of these are just intended to be billboards for ads while you peruse a somewhat ok article that conflates the eating of frozen pizza to something gourmet.

David Portnoy gets it right. And he was not shook by either Tombstone or Red Baron. 



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