Journey to the Center of North America: Part 5
Way back in July 2010 the Man of 3 Names and I set out from Grand Forks, ND on bicycles to sojourn to the Center of North America (Rugby.) This is the continuing log of that eventful journey. We left off as 3 Names and I descended upon Langdon along Highway 1.
Once that ordeal passed, we continued west at a leisurely pace on ND Highway 5. As dusk approached we turned south on ND-20. 3 Names had no headlight so I had the lead the way as darkness surrounded us. In the distance on all sides we could see fireworks near and far. The small town of Munich would be our resting place for the night. They have a pleasant campground just off the highway but unfortunately they did not have the restrooms open for us. Although it was Independence Day, the night in Munich seemed rather quiet. There were some fireworks but not a barrage like I have experienced elsewhere. We slept well that night.
We arrived in Langdon about dinner time on July 4th. I stopped at the local grocery before it closed to get some food, including 1/4 of a watermelon. Afterward we rode to a local park to rest and eat and fill up on water. The park was deserted but had water and restrooms and if we so desired we could have camped there for $10. Not bad, they even had cable TV hook-ups. However, I wanted to make it a bit further today so we pushed on.
Upon leaving town we encountered an obstacle which we would meet many times- farm dogs. This dog put up a good chase. We needed to push ourselves over 25 MPH in order to escape and even then the dog nearly kept up.