Signs of beer 5: City Club & Whistle
Here we find 2 bottles of Schmidt's City Club beer, a Whistle Beverage bottle of some kind (I believe it is a soft drink bottle but I could be wrong), and a goblet with the mark of Pabst Blue Ribbon (of which one is already owned in my family).
Brewed in St. Paul, City Club began its life as a near-beer during prohibition. Some of my ancestors lived in the shadow of the brewery that made it along the Mississippi River. It's still there but not sure if its being used for much brewing any more. In a previous signs of beer post I wrote more on Schmidt's.
A few years after prohibition, 1936 to be exact, City Club became a full blow beer. Production of the label disappeared in the 1950s. Then in 1997 the then current owner of the label and Schmidt brewery, Stroh's, decided to re-introduce the beer in the Twin Cities. I don't recall it. It must have been just a special run over that summer.
The Whistle bottle more than likely held a soft drink perhaps an orange flavored concoction. Entwined in the history of the soft drink bottler is the invention of 7-Up. Apparently Whistle is still around.