Surprise Crest Engulfs Town

It was turning out to be a remarkable week in Fargo. The temps were high, the sun was out, the water was receding. All was well.
That was until 12:21 AM on April 1st when a torrent of rushing water entered the Red River at Wahpeton. Within hours waters engulfed the unsuspecting cities on the Red River.
Regional hydrologists surmise a channel of the Laurentian aquifier deep below the earth collapsed due to recent seismic activity.
Off the record, government officials blame it on the alignment of the full moon.
"I am not surprised.Crazy stuff happens during a full moon." an official who did not want to be named stated.
For now the city remains a veritable natural water park. Fargo is considering charging admission in order to pay for a diversion which will include a wild rapids ride to the west of town. Regional planners are hopeful the diversion and water park solution will bring more vacationers. The city of Centralia plans on holding a sandbagging festival to draw attention to the potential the diversion could have on Red River Valley tourism.

(ed. note: The above story is not true. It only appears to be. Fargo is fine.)


Cindy said…
Oh! Whew! You had me going! I was wondering how I'd missed it!!!

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